Stay Young and Fit with Flexibility Training by Stacey Nemour
Flexibility is the key to longevity and vitality. It plays a crucial role in determining how healthy and youthful we feel as we age. In this enlightening episode of Women Road Warriors, international flexibility guru and martial artist Stacey Nemour shares her wealth of knowledge on how to reclaim our power through improved flexibility. With over 30 years of experience, Stacey has custom-designed programs for top Olympians, established actors, UFC Champions, figure skaters, pro athletes, gymnasts, and Cirque Du Soleil performers, helping them prevent injuries and recover effectively. She emphasizes the importance of addressing poor posture, a modern-day epidemic, and how it affects our overall quality of life. Stacey has been featured on Fox Sports, the Sky Channel, Kung Fu Magazine, The Huffington Post, and was an action actress on Power Rangers. Join hosts Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro as they dive into Stacey's transformative techniques that empower individuals to move freely and live vibrantly, regardless of age.
#FlexibilityTraining #InjuryPrevention #Flexibility #Fit #Healthy #Health #Vitality #HealthyAging #Youngevity #Youth #StaceyNemour #ShelleyMJohnson #ShelleyJohnson #KathyTuccaro #WomenRoadWarriors
This is Women Road warriors with Shelly Johnson and Kathy Tucaro.
Shelly Johnson:From the corporate office to the cab of a truck, they're here to inspire and empower women in all professions.
Shelly Johnson:So gear down, sit back and enjoy.
Kathy Tucaro:Welcome.
Kathy Tucaro:We're an award winning show dinner dedicated to empowering women in every profession through inspiring stories and expert insights.
Kathy Tucaro:No topics off limits on our show, we power women on the road to success with expert and celebrity interviews and information you need.
Kathy Tucaro:I'm Shelly and this is Kathy.
Kathy Tucaro:Everybody wants to be healthy and youthful and continue to do what they always have without the aches and pains that seem to come along through the years.
Kathy Tucaro:Too often people aren't able to move around the way they used to when they get older, that impacts quality of life.
Kathy Tucaro:International flexibility guru and martial artist Stacey Nemour shows people how to take their power back.
Kathy Tucaro:She says flexibility is the key to longevity and is what truly determines how healthy and youthful we are.
Kathy Tucaro:Sitting all day is very bad and poor posture is a modern day epidemic.
Kathy Tucaro:For over 30 years, Stacy has custom designed flexibility injury prevention and recovery programs for top Olympians, established established actors, UFC champions, figure skaters, pro athletes, gymnasts and Cirque du Soleil performers.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy's been featured on Fox Sports, the Sky Channel, Kung Fu Magazine, Power Rangers, Lake Arrowhead magazine and many other publications.
Kathy Tucaro:She has online masterclasses in flexibility makeovers.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy's been on our show before and we were wowed by her then and can't wait to share her knowledge again with our listeners.
Kathy Tucaro:Welcome back, Stacy.
Shelly Johnson:Hi, Stacy.
Shelly Johnson:I'm laughing already.
Shelly Johnson:I just feel the love of you too.
Shelly Johnson:You guys are the best.
Shelly Johnson:Well, thank you.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh gosh, Stacy, you are a wealth of knowledge and what you do, like I said, it's amazing.
Kathy Tucaro:I know Kathy had a private session with you on flexibility for releasing trauma.
Kathy Tucaro:Take your power back.
Kathy Tucaro:Before we talk about that, I wanted to have you give our listeners a brief background of all that you do and how you got started.
Kathy Tucaro:You really practice what you preach.
Kathy Tucaro:The flexibility you have is just astounding.
Kathy Tucaro:You can bend in ways I never thought possible in places where I think I would break.
Shelly Johnson:You know.
Kathy Tucaro:You bring some tremendous life changing techniques to your clients.
Kathy Tucaro:Tell us more.
Shelly Johnson:Okay.
Shelly Johnson:When I was a child, I realized it now more and more.
Shelly Johnson:I had an innate knowing of how to get myself flexible.
Shelly Johnson:I had this neighbor and we would do gymnastics all day long on the grass and we had a race to see who could get the splits first, a back bend or in a straddle stretch, you know, with your chest flat down.
Shelly Johnson:And I Saw the steps of how to get there then.
Shelly Johnson:And so as I got older, I saw people practicing kung fu.
Shelly Johnson:I got.
Shelly Johnson:I got asked to teach advanced kung.
Shelly Johnson:Kung fu students flexibility.
Shelly Johnson:So flexibility kind of found me.
Shelly Johnson:I was in the martial arts.
Shelly Johnson:Well, I got pulled in the martial arts when I got asked to show advanced kung fu students how to do.
Shelly Johnson:Be more flexible, to do all the tricks in their sets.
Shelly Johnson:And I got goosebumps when I saw them practicing.
Shelly Johnson:And I knew it would be my life path, so I went on the path of martial arts.
Shelly Johnson:But what's interesting was I could do the splits on the floor, but I couldn't kick straight up.
Shelly Johnson:That didn't translate.
Shelly Johnson:So within me was born a new system.
Shelly Johnson:I was guided.
Shelly Johnson:Even though I was taking privates from the great Chinese masters, I was guided how to integrate the flexibility in every way possible to have a better range of motion and to recover faster and to do it without pain.
Shelly Johnson:So I've been doing this over four decades, and what has stayed with me, which I think really has helped me now kick higher than I ever have and jump higher, is I read a book by Deepak Chopra, Ageless mind, timeless body.
Shelly Johnson:And he always said to have a meditation age where you sit in that age and ignore your.
Shelly Johnson:The years that are flying by.
Shelly Johnson:Because I decided not to believe in decline in any way, shape, or form, because I work so hard to get this level of physicality.
Shelly Johnson:And I wanted it to be an example to everybody else that we don't have to fall apart when we hit 50.
Shelly Johnson:Because I noticed people expect to fall apart.
Shelly Johnson:They expect their hair to turn gray and to get tight.
Shelly Johnson:And then later on, it's always talked about, I fell and broke my hip, and I had to have hip surgery.
Shelly Johnson:And there's a deep fascination around that with older people.
Shelly Johnson:If you go to old folks homes, they're fascinated with all their medications.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh, yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:This.
Shelly Johnson:This fall that people break their hip is actually due to two things.
Shelly Johnson:One is a tight calf muscle.
Shelly Johnson:The foot in the calf, is it stretched?
Shelly Johnson:And the other one is the posture, because people now lean forward and they get that rounded back, and so the center of gravity is pulled off and you're being like, pulled forward.
Shelly Johnson:So with a tight calf and that being pulled off and not walking in alignment, you just need to just hit a rock or miss a step and you fall.
Shelly Johnson:So it's about opening your body through stretching, and that gets the energy flowing, and that clears up the posture, and then you can walk straight.
Shelly Johnson:So that's some of it.
Kathy Tucaro:Okay.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah, I remember As a kid, my mom always said, you know, sit up straight, posture, posture, you know, I kind of had that pounded into my head.
Kathy Tucaro:And when you think about it, a lot of people, like you said, it's mindset.
Kathy Tucaro:You hear people expecting, well, I'm not as young as I used to be.
Kathy Tucaro:They're setting themselves up.
Kathy Tucaro:And I like the idea of thinking, you know, young.
Kathy Tucaro:You know, just put yourself in a particular age.
Kathy Tucaro:So essentially, if we want to be 21 in our heads, that will influence us, won't it?
Shelly Johnson:Well, yeah.
Shelly Johnson:When you meditate or sit and center yourself, there's an energy, there's a you.
Shelly Johnson:We're all energy.
Shelly Johnson:And if we have a frequency of decline, an old person, Archie, our energy is not flowing.
Shelly Johnson:But if you go and you set a meditation age, that feels right to you, maybe when you are at that very height of your being in every way and you sit in that, what you do is feel the energy of what that felt like and you carry that frequency.
Shelly Johnson:And the body is a map of the mind and what you believe.
Kathy Tucaro:I like that.
Shelly Johnson:And also these days, like, like we mentioned, sitting is called the new smoking and there's a epidemic.
Stacy Nemour:I didn't hear that before, but I like it.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, it's interesting they're calling that now.
Shelly Johnson:Isn't that funny?
Shelly Johnson:That posture is an epidem and I work with clients from age 7 to 90 plus.
Shelly Johnson:And what I'm seeing now is children with spines of an 80 year old.
Shelly Johnson:Oh, rounded.
Shelly Johnson:Because every.
Shelly Johnson:Everybody's on their phone all day.
Shelly Johnson:Rounded on their computer, video games.
Shelly Johnson:And then there's also something called tech neck.
Kathy Tucaro:I was going to say tech neck.
Kathy Tucaro:I've heard of that.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:So they're all connected, but it's just when your posture goes, you can't breathe as deeply.
Shelly Johnson:You breathe in fight or flight mode.
Shelly Johnson:Up in, up in your upper, above your chest there.
Shelly Johnson:And that's kind of a nervous energy.
Shelly Johnson:We want to breathe all the way to the bottom of our stomach.
Shelly Johnson:And that brings homeostasis to the body and clears asthma and certain things like that.
Shelly Johnson:So it's all about the breath.
Shelly Johnson:So when you're rounded, the energy isn't flowing.
Shelly Johnson:And energy is what keeps us young.
Shelly Johnson:It's our life force.
Shelly Johnson:And that poor posture is linked to anxiety, poor sleep, a pot belly.
Shelly Johnson:So the more you can sit up straight, the more energy you will have, the more oxygen goes to your brain.
Shelly Johnson:There's so much to it.
Kathy Tucaro:Wow.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:So.
Kathy Tucaro:Well, when you think about it, we weren't designed to sit like we do, and people Good.
Kathy Tucaro:Majority of them sit all the time.
Kathy Tucaro:They have to for their work.
Kathy Tucaro:They're in front of computers.
Kathy Tucaro:Children, of course, are sitting in classrooms.
Shelly Johnson:And you're.
Kathy Tucaro:You're right.
Kathy Tucaro:People are stuck with their devices.
Kathy Tucaro:And we weren't designed to do all of this.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, yeah, we're all.
Shelly Johnson:Now, you know, most of us are designed to get the dopamine, dopamine hit from looking, you know, Scrolling online.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh, man.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:Other than the endorphin high of going outside and, you know, like.
Shelly Johnson:Like when I was a kid, all I did was play outside.
Shelly Johnson:Me too.
Shelly Johnson:Now kids are.
Shelly Johnson:You know, it's great.
Shelly Johnson:The wave of technology and how the next generation has hit the ground running and know all of that, but it's.
Shelly Johnson:It's needs to be in balance.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:Well, I've been amazed in my neighborhood how many kids are not outside.
Kathy Tucaro:You know, kids are always making noise, and I love that sound.
Kathy Tucaro:Where are they?
Kathy Tucaro:They're inside.
Kathy Tucaro:They're not outside running around.
Stacy Nemour:They're in front of their games.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:And the last place I wanted to be as a kid was stuck inside.
Kathy Tucaro:You know, me too.
Kathy Tucaro:In Michigan, when it was winter, I didn't like winter so much, but summertime, I was out there running around, constantly going, going, going.
Kathy Tucaro:I was the ever ready rabbit, you know?
Shelly Johnson:Exactly.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:And I think that's why there's so much anxiety and depression in.
Shelly Johnson:In kids up to adults, you know, there's more things than we ever heard of, you know, you know, with ADHD and, you know, all these different things and all these different medications that people are starting on so young and staying on through life.
Shelly Johnson:Not to say that sometimes it isn't necessary, but it's also about getting back in the body and your natural flow of life.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:You know, and.
Shelly Johnson:And finding your passions and not comparing yourself to everyone on social media.
Shelly Johnson:And what my flexibility system does is put you back in your body.
Kathy Tucaro:I love it.
Shelly Johnson:Back in control of your instrument.
Kathy Tucaro:Mm.
Kathy Tucaro:That makes sense.
Kathy Tucaro:I mean, we're stuck in these bodies.
Kathy Tucaro:We need to take care of them, and we need to listen to them, and the body needs to work with us, too.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy, your insight is terrific.
Kathy Tucaro:You have so many benefits with all of your training, like the one that you did with Kathy.
Kathy Tucaro:Flexibility for releasing trauma.
Kathy Tucaro:Take your power back.
Kathy Tucaro:That's on video, by the way.
Kathy Tucaro:Kathy, what was that like?
Kathy Tucaro:I mean, I've seen some of the snippets of the video.
Kathy Tucaro:It was amazing what Stacy was able to do with you.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah, well, I wasn't really sure what I was going into like, I know Stacy and I mean, looking at her videos and all that she does, I'm thinking, oh my God.
Stacy Nemour:My main goal really was to do the splits.
Stacy Nemour:It's been a lifelong dream of mine.
Stacy Nemour:I said I got to be able.
Shelly Johnson:To do the splits.
Stacy Nemour:So I've always, you know, I've tried and tried and I do yoga and, you know, sitting in equipment for 13 hours a day and only getting out once or twice a day to stretch.
Stacy Nemour:And literally just when I say stretch, it's climbing down the stairs, going to the bathroom, climbing back in and having a nap, right?
Stacy Nemour:So when I do that for 14 days a week, it's really hard on my body.
Stacy Nemour:I mean, I'm 55.
Stacy Nemour:The older I get, the harder it is.
Stacy Nemour:I mean, the equipment's rough.
Stacy Nemour:So I had recently started.
Stacy Nemour:Well, last year I started actually when Covid hit because we weren't allowed to the gym.
Stacy Nemour:I had started doing yoga in my room and I'd never really done yoga before.
Stacy Nemour:So I found the difference in how I felt on a day to day basis from just doing a basic 20, 30 minute yoga stretch in the morning or in the evening, all depending on what shift I'm at, made a huge difference, not only in my posture but in how I felt.
Stacy Nemour:And it helped my, my mental clarity, it helped my mental health.
Stacy Nemour:It just, it just was beneficial all around.
Stacy Nemour:So after we had Stacy on our show the first time around, I, I happened to move to la and she close to LA or in Lake Arrowhead, which is on top of the mountain behind Los Angeles.
Stacy Nemour:So I'm like, hey, I always want to go to that lake, so let's.
Shelly Johnson:Go check it out.
Stacy Nemour:So I made an appointment at her, at her house and man, like, I just thought maybe that it'd be a simple stretching session, right?
Stacy Nemour:But no, no, no, no, no, no.
Stacy Nemour:What Stacy was able to accomplish with not only my body, but more with my mental approach to flexibility went on a deep internal level.
Stacy Nemour:And what I mean by that is that as we were progressing, how long was I there, Stacy?
Stacy Nemour:An hour and a half?
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, about an hour and a half.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah.
Stacy Nemour:So it sounds like nothing, but it's something.
Shelly Johnson:Oh, yeah.
Stacy Nemour:So from the, from, from the time I walked in just to doing the simple door stretches to just everything basic, well, I started feeling a more relaxed inner state of mind or inner peace, I guess I could say that just enabled me to stretch a little bit further and reach deeper into myself as I'm working with her to allow myself to open up.
Stacy Nemour:And when I say open Up.
Stacy Nemour:It wasn't just allowing my muscles to stretch further, but it was allowing my inner core, the deep inner core of Kathy, just to open my wings a little bit more and extend.
Stacy Nemour:And we did the before and after pictures, and I still have it on my favorites list because I keep that picture as a reminder.
Shelly Johnson:Like, oh, my God.
Stacy Nemour:From the before, trying to do the splits and to that, the very end, at the hour and a half.
Stacy Nemour:Well, son of a gun, I can't even begin to tell you how good that felt.
Stacy Nemour:And it's not like it was painful or it's not like it didn't require any extra.
Stacy Nemour:It just required a shift in my own personal focus.
Stacy Nemour:And, yeah, I learned so much in that.
Stacy Nemour:And so since then, I've been using that approach, that internalization approach to every time I do yoga.
Stacy Nemour:And I feel phenomenal.
Stacy Nemour:Like my body has gotten leaner, I guess you could say.
Stacy Nemour:And I feel a lot more balanced, if that makes sense.
Kathy Tucaro:That's phenomenal.
Kathy Tucaro:One wouldn't think that you'd accomplish all of that in an hour and a half.
Shelly Johnson:I know, right?
Stacy Nemour:And I'm not.
Stacy Nemour:I'm not saying this just, you know, to butter Stacy up, and, you know, it.
Stacy Nemour:This really happened.
Stacy Nemour:If anybody watches the videos, like, I'm sitting there.
Shelly Johnson:So when I shoot courses, I want to make them real life.
Shelly Johnson:I don't rehearse with anybody.
Shelly Johnson:I have just walk in cold.
Shelly Johnson:So whoever's doing the course will get the same experience.
Shelly Johnson:You know, the time it takes to figure out something or put on the stretch strap or the posture strap, and it's all in real time, and it's not.
Shelly Johnson:Not edited out or anything.
Shelly Johnson:So they're getting that same experience.
Shelly Johnson:And you watch with each course.
Shelly Johnson:If I have a guest, you watch them transform before your very eyes.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah, it's remarkable.
Shelly Johnson:And so with Kathy, I showed her the reason it wasn't painful is my system.
Shelly Johnson:Well, it's spiritually channeled.
Shelly Johnson:I get shown pictures of what the client needs, and I work on a very high energy frequency that produces an instantaneous healing.
Shelly Johnson:I almost override their consciousness.
Shelly Johnson:And I see them as completely well and the way exactly they want to be, which is their real self.
Shelly Johnson:And there's a certain order to do stretches in.
Shelly Johnson:People try to stretch and they go right to their hamstrings and they're like bouncing.
Shelly Johnson:They're like, oh, it'll never happen.
Shelly Johnson:And they give up.
Shelly Johnson:But you have to do a certain sequence.
Shelly Johnson:So by the time you get to the deeper areas, it's.
Shelly Johnson:It's like a Different experience.
Shelly Johnson:It's very, very easy once you open your back and your hips in your cat.
Shelly Johnson:And what happened during our session, too is Kathy mentioned in the afterthoughts that she had done a lot of inner work, but this was the first time she felt it leave her body physically.
Shelly Johnson:So this flexibility wrings out the stored trauma in the body, so it can finally leave even if you released it on different levels.
Shelly Johnson:And it always goes to our weakest area.
Shelly Johnson:And a lot of trauma is stored in the hips.
Shelly Johnson:So that's why a lot of people have a lot of lower back and hip pain, which then leads to knee pain and all kinds of other things.
Shelly Johnson:So the other thing is, is at 54, she was almost flat in her splits, which was so exciting.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh, man.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:In that course, she was wanting to train for handstands.
Shelly Johnson:So remember we did a handstand segment.
Shelly Johnson:Oh, yeah, that's right.
Shelly Johnson:Walked up the wall and worked on that to also just stretch your power back.
Shelly Johnson:I know she was doing boxing, so we added some short boxing drills.
Stacy Nemour:Yep, that's right.
Shelly Johnson:And how to breathe in time.
Shelly Johnson:It's not difficult.
Shelly Johnson:Anybody could do it.
Shelly Johnson:And you can do it empty hand and add weights and get an upper body workout.
Shelly Johnson:So you're kind of working everything, mind, body, spirit, your muscles, your core and clearing your posture and releasing trauma, and you just feel much younger and lighter.
Shelly Johnson:And what's interesting with the client, and it happened with Kathy, when I'm working with somebody, I can feel all of a sudden in my body.
Shelly Johnson:I'll either feel like I'm going to cry or I'm going to laugh.
Shelly Johnson:And I feel waves and I look down and the same thing is happening to the client.
Shelly Johnson:And they actually, you know, get that euphoria or feel giddy or sometimes tears come out because something's that was buried so deep that they weren't ready to face yet can just lift out.
Shelly Johnson:So it's different with every person, but there's always something magical and transformative that happens.
Stacy Nemour:It was magical.
Stacy Nemour:It was a transformation.
Shelly Johnson:Stay tuned for more of women road warriors coming up.
Shelly Johnson:Dean Michael, the tax doctor here.
Shelly Johnson:I have one question for you.
Kathy Tucaro:Do you want to stop worrying about the irs?
Kathy Tucaro:If the answer is yes, then look no further.
Shelly Johnson:I've been around for years.
Shelly Johnson:I've helped countless people across the country.
Kathy Tucaro:And my success rate speaks for itself.
Kathy Tucaro:So now you know where to find good, honest help with your tax problems.
Kathy Tucaro:What are you waiting for?
Shelly Johnson:If you owe more than $10,000 to the IRS or haven't filed in years, call me now at 888-557-402 or go.
Kathy Tucaro:To for a free consultation and get your life back.
Kathy Tucaro:Industry Movement Trucking Moves America Forward is telling the story of the industry.
Kathy Tucaro:Our safety champions, the women of trucking, independent contractors, the next generation of truckers, and more.
Kathy Tucaro:Help us promote the best of our industry.
Kathy Tucaro:Share your story and what you love about trucking, share images of a moment you're proud of and join us on social media.
Kathy Tucaro:Learn
Shelly Johnson:Welcome back to Women Road warriors with Shelly Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro.
Kathy Tucaro:If you're enjoying this informative episode of Women Road Warriors, I wanted to mention Kathy and I explore all kinds of topics that will power you on the road to success.
Kathy Tucaro:We feature a lot of expert interviews, plus we feature celebrities and women who've been trailblazers.
Kathy Tucaro:Please check out our and click on our Episodes page.
Kathy Tucaro:We're also available wherever you listen to podcasts on all the major podcast channels like Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Amazon, Music, Audible, you name it.
Kathy Tucaro:Check us out and bookmark our podcast.
Kathy Tucaro:Also, don't forget to follow us on social media.
Kathy Tucaro:We're on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube and other sites and tell others about us.
Kathy Tucaro:We want to help as many women as possible.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy Nemour got her start teaching flexibility to Kung Fu students.
Kathy Tucaro:She knew it was going to be her life path.
Kathy Tucaro:She knows the absolute importance of a good posture and flexibility.
Kathy Tucaro:When you have poor posture, you're set for a decline.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy studied the martial arts and learned the science of expanding range of motion.
Kathy Tucaro:She's custom designed flexibility injury prevention and recovery programs for top Olympians, established actors, UFC champions, figure skaters, pro athletes, gymnasts and Cirque du Soleil performers.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy doesn't believe in decline in any shape or form.
Kathy Tucaro:We don't have to fall apart as we get older.
Kathy Tucaro:Flexibility is key to youth and vitality and to preventing falls.
Kathy Tucaro:Many falls that result in hip fractures are due to a tight calf muscle, according to Stacy, and a poor posture with a rounded back that throws your alignment off.
Kathy Tucaro:It needs to be corrected along with our mindset.
Kathy Tucaro:We need to make it a youth mindset.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy helps people do this with her online Masterclass series of flexibility makeovers.
Kathy Tucaro:She's changing lives and giving people a new lease on life and a vitality they never thought that they would have.
Kathy Tucaro:Her training also helps rid our bodies of trauma.
Kathy Tucaro:She's been sharing some of her incredible Wisdom with us.
Kathy Tucaro:You know, Stacy, when you're talking about trauma, there have been books written that the body basically has a memory.
Kathy Tucaro:It stores trauma.
Kathy Tucaro:We may forget about things, but the body remembers.
Kathy Tucaro:So what you're doing, you're not only providing the flexibility, but you're freeing people of maybe some of the things that have happened to them in their lives.
Kathy Tucaro:And I find it interesting.
Kathy Tucaro:You said the hips store a lot of trauma.
Shelly Johnson:Yes, they do.
Shelly Johnson:And when we get upset, you'll notice it always goes to your weakest area.
Shelly Johnson:Wherever you have your chronic pain, it gets amplified because it is stored in the body.
Shelly Johnson:And it is your body talking to you, needing attention, needing to breathe into that area, needing to send love into that area and to bless it and release it and let it go.
Kathy Tucaro:So your courses, you work with all kinds of people.
Kathy Tucaro:You've worked with celebrities, pro athletes, all of that, and beginners like me, right?
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah, yeah.
Shelly Johnson:A wide range.
Shelly Johnson:I love it because everybody needs it.
Shelly Johnson:I work with a lot of children that are on the path to becoming, you know, Olympic figure skaters, gymnast, prima ballerinas and what.
Shelly Johnson:Another thing that I've seen in the sports world is they're still in the cave ages when it comes to flexibility.
Shelly Johnson:It's an art and science within itself.
Shelly Johnson:And it's not ordinary stretching that needs to be done.
Shelly Johnson:There's a new way to do it.
Shelly Johnson:Like I mentioned in the sequence and learning how to use the breath properly.
Shelly Johnson:So there's a huge imbalance going on with all the athletes, especially in children.
Shelly Johnson:I'm seeing all of these patterns of misalignment and they're already in pain.
Shelly Johnson:So they raised the bar so high.
Shelly Johnson:You know, we're always evolving.
Shelly Johnson:In every.
Shelly Johnson:In every art, in every perform, in any report form of performance, we're always evolving.
Shelly Johnson:So you've noticed they've raised the bar higher and higher every year.
Shelly Johnson:When you see America's Got Talent or the Olympics, they're always going somewhere new.
Shelly Johnson:But there has to be the flexibility going somewhere new to keep up with it.
Shelly Johnson:So what's happening with these?
Shelly Johnson:A lot of these poor girls that I work with are being like forced into splits and, you know, forced to do take their leg this way or that way without preparing the body to do it.
Shelly Johnson:And that drives me crazy because I want to Presley the person because it's forming their spines to twist and really come out of alignment because they're trying to force their body to go to this new level to keep up so they'll get the next audition or be in the show.
Shelly Johnson:Or get, you know, get accepted and stay with their troop.
Shelly Johnson:So I work to clear that up and show them how easy it is and put them in touch with their instrument too, so they have better control and perform with precision and not get hurt.
Shelly Johnson:So that's one aspect of my business with the athletes, is bringing that in.
Shelly Johnson:And I've saved so many people that were about to quit their sport of any age because they thought it was over because of the pain.
Kathy Tucaro:This is marvelous.
Kathy Tucaro:Also, I would think there's some people I know who were in gymnastics when they were young and now they have all kinds of issues, probably because they didn't have your kind of training.
Kathy Tucaro:And essentially what they were doing and forcing their body to do at a young age created problems, didn't it?
Shelly Johnson:Oh, yes.
Shelly Johnson:And then when you stop moving, it all gets tighter and tighter and tighter.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah, so.
Shelly Johnson:And that's the thing too is when you get injured or you're in pain and you just stop moving, everything starts to atrophied and you want to keep the circulation and the energy going.
Shelly Johnson:So it's always good to try to train around injuries and look it as an opportunity to come back stronger.
Shelly Johnson:There's always an opportunity in every injury.
Shelly Johnson:Maybe it's to seek the right modality to clear what's going on underneath the injury as well.
Shelly Johnson:But the body temple can heal anything with the right mindset and treatment.
Shelly Johnson:None of this has to be a life sentence.
Shelly Johnson:I also worked with people who've had cancer and serious diseases too.
Shelly Johnson:And miraculous things have happened.
Shelly Johnson:People coming into hardly able to walk because of burning pains, radiant down legs and they're almost out dancing that night.
Shelly Johnson:And the most of them have told me they've tried every healing modality and then, then they see me and it just clears.
Shelly Johnson:And I really believe it's one.
Shelly Johnson:The frequency that I work on, the energy of instantaneous healing and, and being guided to wring that out of their body.
Shelly Johnson:And then sometimes I'm guided to be very esoteric and I mean, but I'm also guided with certain people.
Shelly Johnson:You know, we have the dancers and Olympians and that's one thing.
Shelly Johnson:But the people that have really are messed up and have a lot of trauma, had divorce, had deaths, had life stuff happen, their childhood.
Shelly Johnson:I literally do spiritual surgeries where I cut the trauma cord from them to the trauma and trauma to them, or if somebody has an abusive ex husband after them and they're looking over their shoulder, I cut the energetic ties and both sides and the person feels a great relief.
Shelly Johnson:And what's interesting is you can, you cannot cut unconditional love.
Shelly Johnson:That's really the only thing that's real.
Shelly Johnson:That's what we are.
Shelly Johnson:But you can cut away cords and connections to people.
Shelly Johnson:We can all do it ourselves when we meditate.
Shelly Johnson:So, so you all know out there you can just visualize it, but you can cut cords that bind you to people or situations, and it's not only good for you, but for the other person.
Stacy Nemour: first day I'm in treatment in: Stacy Nemour:And he called it Soul Tie.
Kathy Tucaro:And.
Shelly Johnson:Very good.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah.
Stacy Nemour:And what it, what he had us do, he prayed over these random stones and you had to pick a stone that you felt was attached to whatever your biggest pain was.
Stacy Nemour:And so I picked five big stones.
Stacy Nemour:I had five major traumas.
Stacy Nemour:And so with that, he gave us a cloth.
Stacy Nemour:And then you had to tie each stone in, in the cloth with, with some simple thread.
Stacy Nemour:Right.
Stacy Nemour:And so I, and you had to lock that sucker in there.
Stacy Nemour:So I made sure I tied like 13, 14 knots.
Stacy Nemour:I said, this sucker is never coming out.
Kathy Tucaro:Right.
Stacy Nemour:So my, my little piece of cloth.
Stacy Nemour:And then we had to write words of, of how we wanted to heal those pains.
Stacy Nemour:So here's the interesting thing.
Stacy Nemour:So in order to cut that cord, cut the, that tie, cut that pain from us, he had us do something different.
Stacy Nemour:He had us put that, that, that cloth with all our individual pains underneath our pillow and sleep on.
Stacy Nemour:And he said, when you're ready, because now you're in recovery and when you're ready to address that particular problem, he says, I can guarantee you that stone will be, will have untied itself.
Stacy Nemour:And I thought that was the biggest crock of bologna.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah, right.
Stacy Nemour:So I did it anyway, because I'm curious.
Stacy Nemour:And so every morning I'm making my bed and I'm looking at.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah, no, that's still under my pillow.
Stacy Nemour:It's all good.
Stacy Nemour:Well, as I progress in my therapy, when I was feeling ready to like unconsciously thinking, okay, well, you know, I'm looking at this and this.
Stacy Nemour:I kid you not, Stacy and Shelly, that one morning I go to make my bed and that there's a stone that was, was free.
Stacy Nemour:It had untied itself from my 13 knots.
Kathy Tucaro:Wow.
Stacy Nemour:And it was the one addressing the abandonment from my father.
Stacy Nemour:That was the first one I looked at.
Stacy Nemour:And I'm like, oh my God.
Stacy Nemour:But it's, it's interesting because what it did it gave me permission to say, well, you know what it's ready to look at.
Stacy Nemour:I could do this.
Stacy Nemour:So it's as.
Stacy Nemour:It was a mental thing.
Stacy Nemour:Right.
Stacy Nemour:Whether how it came undone, I have no idea.
Stacy Nemour:But I addressed it and I was able to cut that tie.
Shelly Johnson:It.
Stacy Nemour:It liberated me.
Stacy Nemour:So as.
Stacy Nemour:So my program was a year.
Stacy Nemour:So every time as I'm going along, another rock would come undone and another one until all five of my stones had undone themselves by themselves, without me taking or helping them along.
Stacy Nemour:True story.
Kathy Tucaro:That's amazing, right?
Kathy Tucaro:Wow.
Stacy Nemour:And so the ties were cut.
Stacy Nemour:The bond, like the attachment to my own pain was able to be released.
Stacy Nemour:Isn't that something?
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah, yeah.
Shelly Johnson:The addiction to the pain that's like, becomes.
Shelly Johnson:We normalize that state of being.
Shelly Johnson:And what's interesting is, well, when the student's ready, the teacher isn't, will appear.
Shelly Johnson:And there's no one way to do anything.
Shelly Johnson:That person, that blessing that showed up in your life was exactly perfect for you at that time.
Stacy Nemour:Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Shelly Johnson:In the exact way you needed it at that time.
Shelly Johnson:And when you have experiences like that where you can't unsee the evidence of the result or the miracle, you know, it.
Shelly Johnson:It changes you and opens you up to all the other unlimited possibilities and all the miracles available to us.
Shelly Johnson:So it is said a miracle is something that's already true on the spiritual plane that we've allowed to manifest on the physical plane.
Kathy Tucaro:I love it.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah.
Stacy Nemour:No, that makes sense to me 100%.
Stacy Nemour:Yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:So, Stacy, what you're doing with clients not only improves their physical health, but their mental health.
Kathy Tucaro:And when you think about it, that's a symbiosis.
Kathy Tucaro:You really have to have both, don't you?
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, that's why they say mind, body, spirit.
Shelly Johnson:And it's.
Shelly Johnson:We're in a time now where the.
Shelly Johnson:The frequencies of the earth are raising up and there's a big awakening going on on the planet now.
Shelly Johnson:And it's time for all of us to return to love and come from the higher heart, space within ourselves, within the community, with humanity and reverence for all things that have life.
Shelly Johnson:But that starts with the self, because everything in life is a mirror of the self and different aspects of the self.
Stacy Nemour:And we're all one and we're all connected.
Shelly Johnson:So what I.
Shelly Johnson:What I love to do is give people back to themselves, who they really are and who they really wanted to be, and help people get to where they want to go very quickly.
Shelly Johnson:And I cut years of frustration and delays out of their journey.
Shelly Johnson:So people like I've mentioned who tried every modality come to me and all of a sudden they're crying and it just happens very quickly.
Shelly Johnson:So when the person is ready, they'll find me if they're ready to shift quickly and let this all go.
Shelly Johnson:It doesn't need to be years and years and years and years if you, if you've done the work and you're really ready to make the shift.
Shelly Johnson:So what's most astounding about my work, if you look at my before and afters on my flexibility private session page, is it's astounding that I even had people about 80 years old, men that could not touch their toes when they were a kid, and they touched their toes in one session with me.
Shelly Johnson:Well, like, people would call that impossible.
Shelly Johnson:But again, I always say miracles is my natural state of being and a means of saving time.
Shelly Johnson:So I like to get, you know, get to the root of everything with every person on every level.
Shelly Johnson:And so I think people associate stretching just, oh, doing some stretches and stuff.
Shelly Johnson:But this flexibility training is a whole new art and science that addresses everything on every level.
Shelly Johnson:And I tailor it to whatever the need is.
Shelly Johnson:And also just we're, a lot of us are filled with so much fear and anxiety these days.
Shelly Johnson:So it's important to heal that because you can be flexible, you can be healthy, but you also want to have a peaceful state of mind so you can enjoy each day fully and feel your own light.
Kathy Tucaro:I would think your training would be absolutely marvelous for someone who has pain, has to be on medications.
Kathy Tucaro:This would free them.
Kathy Tucaro:I mean, you're emancipating people.
Shelly Johnson:Yes.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:Like, if you go to a doctor, they're always going to suggest surgery or medications because it's all about, you know, the pharmaceuticals wants you to get hooked and don't want you to ever get cured.
Shelly Johnson:And it's just the beginning of the end when you get buried in all of that and you just start to feel so helpless.
Shelly Johnson:So, yeah, there's a whole other way to do it where you can get off all that stuff and take your mind back and your body back and your health back and also be able to get back in touch with our inner knowing, with our intuition and back within our passion.
Shelly Johnson:We all need to get in touch with our purpose and our reason for being here and let our gifts and our light shine.
Kathy Tucaro:We lose that as we go through life, don't we?
Kathy Tucaro:A lot of people lose their purpose.
Shelly Johnson:Yes.
Shelly Johnson:Yes.
Shelly Johnson:Disappointment after disappointment brings us down.
Shelly Johnson:And yes, sometimes we do go through a dark Night of the soul.
Shelly Johnson:Sometimes we've risen so high spiritually that there's still stuff in our subconscious that needs to go back and be cleared.
Shelly Johnson:And we have the energy to do it then because we're.
Shelly Johnson:We need to have a new frequency to prepare us for where we're going to go beyond where we've ever gone before.
Shelly Johnson:And it does not matter what your age is, that you can rebirth yourself and find your passion again and go to new heights.
Shelly Johnson:It's never.
Shelly Johnson:It's never over unless you say it's over.
Shelly Johnson:And if you get into the flexibility training the right way, you can do your beloved passions, golfing, gardening, running much longer, usually until you leave the planet.
Shelly Johnson:But flexibility is the highest starting point because then you can do all the positions in yoga easily or whatever it is that you want, how you want to express yourself physically.
Shelly Johnson:But it's funny because you'll see, now everybody's just going for Botox.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, it's just like this.
Shelly Johnson:Quit.
Shelly Johnson:I don't judge any of it.
Shelly Johnson:I do go for, like, laser IPL and infrared skin tightening, you know, to be the best I could be.
Shelly Johnson:But I want my skin to earn it, you know, and not have anything unnatural put in there where, you know, everyone kind of starts to look weird.
Shelly Johnson:And all the same with the.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh, man.
Kathy Tucaro:Well, their faces don't.
Shelly Johnson:Your face.
Shelly Johnson:You got to lose your face.
Shelly Johnson:I mean, your face.
Shelly Johnson:But what I am saying is how you walk, stand, talk, and carry yourself is what is youthful.
Shelly Johnson:So if you have good posture, which is the posture of confidence and not of a victim, your energy's flowing and you're aligned with who you truly are, you literally glow and you.
Shelly Johnson:You just take back.
Shelly Johnson:The years just fall away.
Shelly Johnson:When you are able to be flexible and pick up something easily, reach to a top shelf and walk in a youthful way with a spring in your step.
Shelly Johnson:Botox is, you know, all these other new things that we have, you know, there's another way to do it where you can actually feel youthful from head to toe.
Shelly Johnson:There's nothing wrong with Botox, but I'm just saying we're all so obsessed with staying young.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh, yes.
Kathy Tucaro:Especially in the United States and more in North America.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, yeah.
Shelly Johnson:But you could have this Botox face, but they kind of hunched over and holding their fucking.
Shelly Johnson:You know, so there's.
Shelly Johnson:There's so much more available now in that way to do that.
Stacy Nemour:You know, yesterday I was volunteering at.
Shelly Johnson:At the.
Stacy Nemour:At the seminar that I attended all weekend, my spiritual seminar that I go to every year with ECKANKAR and I was a volunteer at the tent, so we had thousands of people coming in and I'm helping with the luggage, and I'm just kind of, you know, because people drop their luggage before they go to the airport.
Stacy Nemour:There's a fellow who was watching me go along and, you know me, bubbly personality, and I got light despair and energy and love and laughter, and it's just coming oozing out of me.
Stacy Nemour:This man from another country, he comes up to me, he says, you know, I've been watching you.
Stacy Nemour:And he says, I have to say, you have the most beautiful power I have ever seen.
Stacy Nemour:I'm like, huh?
Stacy Nemour:He says, you have beautiful power.
Stacy Nemour:And I've never been told that before.
Stacy Nemour:And I thought that was really interesting.
Shelly Johnson:And now that you've heard that.
Stacy Nemour:Thank you.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:That's an example of what you're.
Shelly Johnson:Is being mirrored back to you.
Shelly Johnson:Because a lot of people, you know, they'll tell you you glow because you do, because you.
Shelly Johnson:You're connected to your soul's purpose and your love for yourself and everything and everyone around you, and it radiates out.
Shelly Johnson:And then people start to really gravitate to that and they want to know that's the highest thing we can do, is to go to the.
Shelly Johnson:To be who we were born to be with our soul's purpose and be filled with.
Shelly Johnson:With our own light and our love and think independently of circumstances, you know, of what's going on in the world.
Shelly Johnson:You want to help the world.
Shelly Johnson:Raised yourself up and it has this ripple effect that goes out into the ethers and others pick that up and start to wake too.
Kathy Tucaro:Absolutely.
Shelly Johnson:And.
Shelly Johnson:And that's.
Shelly Johnson:And just by doing that and being a living example of what's possible changes everything as it goes out into the world.
Kathy Tucaro:Yes, it does.
Kathy Tucaro:It's all a ripple.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:And yes, there's a lot of chaos going on in the world, but we don't have to go enjoin that.
Shelly Johnson:We can opt out and choose to be at our highest frequency, our highest energy of love and to express it wherever we go and leave every.
Shelly Johnson:Be a blessing wherever we go and leave everything in better shape than when we found it.
Shelly Johnson:I love that, you know, and I love that scene.
Shelly Johnson:Wayne Dyer's to say, you can't get sad enough, sick enough, or more enough to help another person.
Kathy Tucaro:Amen to that.
Shelly Johnson:Stay tuned for more of women road warriors coming up.
Shelly Johnson:Dean Michael, the tax doctor here.
Shelly Johnson:I have one question for you.
Kathy Tucaro:Do you want to stop worrying about the irs?
Kathy Tucaro:If the answer is yes, then look no further.
Shelly Johnson:I've been around for years, I've helped countless people across the country, and my.
Kathy Tucaro:Success rate speaks for itself.
Kathy Tucaro:So now you know where to find good, honest help with your tax problems.
Kathy Tucaro:What are you waiting for?
Shelly Johnson: -: Kathy Tucaro:To for a free consultation and get your life back.
Kathy Tucaro:Industry Movement Trucking Moves America Forward is telling the story of the industry.
Kathy Tucaro:Our safety champions, the women of trucking, independent contractors, the next generation of truckers, and more.
Kathy Tucaro:Help us promote the best of our industry.
Kathy Tucaro:Share your story and what you love about trucking, share images of a moment you're proud of and join us on social media.
Kathy Tucaro:Learn
Shelly Johnson:Welcome back to Women Road warriors with Shelly Johnson and Kathy Takara.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy Nemour's flexibility program puts us back in our bodies.
Kathy Tucaro:When you're in pain, everything starts to atrophy.
Kathy Tucaro:When you train for a sport, you need to train around injury.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy says there's always an opportunity around every injury.
Kathy Tucaro:The body temple can heal anything with the right treatment.
Kathy Tucaro:Much of this comes with flexibility.
Kathy Tucaro:That's where Stacy comes in.
Kathy Tucaro:She heals people.
Kathy Tucaro:She helps people release trauma, including emotional trauma that keep us stopped in our tracks.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy improves the mind, body and spirit.
Kathy Tucaro:She has custom designed flexibility training, injury prevention and recovery programs for top Olympians, established actors, UFC champions, figure skaters, pro athletes, gymnasts and Cirque du Soleil performers.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy doesn't believe in decline in any shape or form.
Kathy Tucaro:We don't have to fall apart as we get older.
Kathy Tucaro:She tailors programs for people of all ages, even in their 80s, to increase their flexibility and take their mind, body and health back.
Kathy Tucaro:This is so liberating and contrary to popular belief about what happens as we get older.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy, you do training with people online.
Kathy Tucaro:Could you kind of walk us through some of the things that you do with people?
Kathy Tucaro:Because I think that you're going to be a major godsend for people.
Shelly Johnson:Yes.
Shelly Johnson:So wherever you are in the world, I love you.
Shelly Johnson:I got your back.
Shelly Johnson:I have clients in in Ireland and Australia and almost every country.
Shelly Johnson:Many people travel from all over the world to work with me in person and do an intensive.
Shelly Johnson:But for those who can't do it, I do Skype and Zoom sessions.
Shelly Johnson:I also sell Stacy posture strap I custom designed as we've talked so much about posture.
Shelly Johnson:It instantly opens your heart and chest, takes Pressure off the neck you put on the posture strap.
Shelly Johnson:Kathy?
Stacy Nemour:Yeah, yeah, I have, I have it at work.
Stacy Nemour:You bet.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, it really just.
Shelly Johnson:It protects your shoulder.
Shelly Johnson:So many people have frozen shoulder rotator cuff stuff.
Shelly Johnson:So I have flexibility products and a stretch strap I custom design to help you go further than you could go on your own.
Shelly Johnson:So it's like, like I'm there spotting you.
Shelly Johnson:So yes, I do the privates, I do in person and then I also with the privates you get all the online courses so you can log in anytime and they don't expire or you can do the courses on your own and just buy the courses and the posture and stretch strap and log in from anywhere, anytime.
Shelly Johnson:So the thing is, is you can stretch anytime, anywhere.
Shelly Johnson:And I set it up so you can use wall space and create your own little flexibility gym with just a few things and space to support you.
Shelly Johnson:So you don't need, you know, a lot of equipment.
Shelly Johnson:You could do it in a hotel room, wherever you are.
Shelly Johnson:And for those who need it, you know, I address whatever their special needs are if they also need energy, work or any spiritual surgeries or anything that's included.
Shelly Johnson:But every, it's not a one size fits all.
Shelly Johnson:Everyone has a completely different system and you know, in different areas where they have a resistance of letting the light in and the good end.
Shelly Johnson:So it's all very customized.
Kathy Tucaro:I like that it's tailor made rather than when you go to a doctor, they're working with baselines and you're being.
Shelly Johnson:Paired with everybody else or reading off a script.
Kathy Tucaro:Uh huh.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:So yes.
Kathy Tucaro:What are some of the comments people have made that have come to you for whatever their reasons, maybe pain management.
Kathy Tucaro:They want additional flexibility so that they don't fall.
Kathy Tucaro:I mean that is a huge thing.
Kathy Tucaro:And a lot of people end up in nursing homes just because they.
Shelly Johnson:Yes, I have people too that I.
Shelly Johnson:One man walked in, he was like the Tower of Pisa speakers on my website of it like he tried to touch his toes and one arm was way out front, other arm was way.
Shelly Johnson:It was all twisted and in one session that got evened out and he touched his toes.
Shelly Johnson:He was 78.
Kathy Tucaro:Wow.
Shelly Johnson:People are usually like, they usually say wow, they're in shock, they feel euphoric and just everyone's usually so grateful and are in shock because they always gone further than they ever thought they could even go.
Shelly Johnson:It goes beyond what you thought you could ever do.
Shelly Johnson:That's, that's what happens.
Shelly Johnson:It always works with every client and it.
Shelly Johnson:Because it seems who shows up to me is ready, ready to receive.
Shelly Johnson:That is their soul.
Shelly Johnson:You know, it's their soul's calling.
Shelly Johnson:And they found me at the right time.
Shelly Johnson:And you know, a lot of them are just really giddy.
Shelly Johnson:A lot of people cry because they're so happy.
Shelly Johnson:And I, I'm working with like a 12 year old dancer and online and she's so cute because they start dancing now like at 2 and in 1 session, you know, got all her splits, her back bend, everything and she goes, I've been wanting this since I was two years old.
Kathy Tucaro:Wow.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:And so yeah, it just.
Shelly Johnson:And then also another big thing is children need it.
Shelly Johnson:All you sports parents out there, they really need it, boys and girls, for during growth spurts because their body hasn't caught up to all the changes and they lose all their flexibility and balance and coordination.
Kathy Tucaro:Oh gosh, I remember that I grew six and a half inches in one year when I was 16.
Shelly Johnson:Oh my gosh.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Kathy Tucaro:And you don't realize you're longer.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:And you feel so awkward.
Shelly Johnson:So they really, really need help.
Shelly Johnson:You know, that's a whole other subject too, about the sports world and sports parents and pushing their kids.
Shelly Johnson:There's a lot of abuse that goes on with the coaches.
Shelly Johnson:But if they think that coach or teacher is the very best in the world, they put up with it a lot.
Shelly Johnson:A good coach is one that also supports the child's well being and makes them feel safe.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy, I think that your techniques at an early age could really set the stage for healthy people that are not in pain in their lifetime.
Kathy Tucaro:I mean, it just makes so much sense.
Shelly Johnson:I'm so glad that you said that because that's exactly what I'm doing, is putting them in touch with their instrument.
Shelly Johnson:And it's a lifelong skill.
Shelly Johnson:Skill.
Kathy Tucaro:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:Whether they stay with their sport or dance or not, they're in their body, they can breathe through things.
Shelly Johnson:They know how to breathe to get a release through the body because there's a specific way of breathing.
Shelly Johnson:And I'll leave you with, this is what I have, my clients do, is breathe in through their nose, all the way to the bottom of their spine, their sacrum at the very bottom.
Shelly Johnson:And if you're an adult, before you go, this is right before you stretch, you hold your breath for a few beats, the longer the better.
Shelly Johnson:And then you exhale and go into the stretch.
Shelly Johnson:The body completely lets go.
Shelly Johnson:But you also, when you breathe into your low back, I'm giving you the biggest free tip ever.
Shelly Johnson:So listen carefully.
Shelly Johnson:You mentally tell your back to let go and your whole body that it's okay to let go.
Shelly Johnson:And then you exhale and you go into the stretch and you never force it, push it, or bounce.
Shelly Johnson:That's outdated.
Shelly Johnson:If it feels like, oh, this is too much, you come right, right up out of it.
Shelly Johnson:And guess what?
Shelly Johnson:Your body processes what you just did.
Shelly Johnson:And then you go back into it and it's able to go further.
Shelly Johnson:And if you're doing one side and there's another side, you go to the other side and then you come back to the body because it's new, it hasn't done it.
Shelly Johnson:You know, like if you're stretching in a new way.
Shelly Johnson:So.
Shelly Johnson:And the magic happens on the repeat, but we give up right away and learn to do it in the right sequence.
Shelly Johnson:That will make stretching shouldn't be painful, rather what my clients say it is.
Shelly Johnson:It's a deep Discovery Channel day of their body.
Shelly Johnson:So we're going to places that have been asleep, laying dormant.
Shelly Johnson:Dormant and waking up the parts of ourselves and that haven't been utilized.
Shelly Johnson:So when you go to work out, you.
Shelly Johnson:You feel thinner, longer, and you have a better range of motion.
Shelly Johnson:You burn more calories and you do everything.
Shelly Johnson:And you also just feel so much lighter.
Kathy Tucaro:That's wonderful.
Kathy Tucaro:Stacy, where do people reach out to you?
Shelly Johnson:Oh, okay.
Shelly Johnson:My website is so I'm sure you'll have a link that's to find out about my privates.
Shelly Johnson:You can email me for a free consultation about which course or which program and I'll tune in on that.
Shelly Johnson:Or if you want to go straight to the courses, is and that's where the courses is.
Shelly Johnson:There's one with our wonderful bright light, Kathy.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah, yeah, Kathy.
Shelly Johnson:Radiant superstar Kathy.
Shelly Johnson:So amazing called flexibility for releasing trauma.
Shelly Johnson:Take your power back.
Shelly Johnson:And that I explained, you know, we go through all the stretching and that one has a handstand training, splits training, a little bit of boxing.
Shelly Johnson:And then I finish at the end with a meditation for exactly how to call your power back.
Shelly Johnson:So there's that, too.
Kathy Tucaro:And I'm also on all the social.
Shelly Johnson:Media and Instagram, so I would love to connect with each and every one of you wherever you are.
Shelly Johnson:I'm sending out a lighthouse that I hear, and the prayer is this reaches anybody who needs to hear it.
Shelly Johnson:And, you know, and so much love to you both.
Shelly Johnson:You guys are such superstars and congratulations on this trajectory that this show.
Kathy Tucaro:Thank you.
Shelly Johnson:Yes.
Shelly Johnson:We just want to.
Kathy Tucaro:We have several awards now.
Kathy Tucaro:We're really excited.
Kathy Tucaro:The most Recent one People's Choice Podcast award.
Kathy Tucaro:So, yes, we're super excited about energy.
Shelly Johnson:The energy of you too is what's bringing in this, you know, moment, amazing momentum.
Shelly Johnson:It's just going to go up, up, up, up, up.
Kathy Tucaro:That's what we're hoping.
Kathy Tucaro:Yes.
Kathy Tucaro:We want to help more people.
Kathy Tucaro:And Stacy, you are just a bright light on the world.
Kathy Tucaro:Yes.
Kathy Tucaro:And people spell your name.
Kathy Tucaro:S, T, A, C, E, Y, N E, M O, U, R.
Kathy Tucaro:That's exactly correct.
Kathy Tucaro:Okay, so people can reach out to and what is the other one again?
Kathy Tucaro:The other website?
Kathy that's Very cool.
Kathy Tucaro:And there they can find out how you can help them.
Kathy Tucaro:Terrific.
Kathy Tucaro:You're going to help people in so many different ways.
Kathy Tucaro:And I love the fact that online everyone has access to your brilliance.
Shelly Johnson:Yeah.
Shelly Johnson:That's what's so beautiful about this day and age.
Shelly Johnson:Especially if you live in the most remote area, you won't.
Shelly Johnson:Don't have any kind of access to anything, you know, that you're really interested in.
Shelly Johnson:You know, we can connect instantly.
Stacy Nemour:Awesome.
Kathy Tucaro:This has been inspiring.
Kathy Tucaro:And I've been sitting up much straighter while I was talking.
Shelly Johnson:Yes, yes, straight.
Shelly Johnson:Put on that posture strap.
Kathy Tucaro:Thank you so much, Stacy.
Shelly Johnson:Thanks, Stacy.
Shelly Johnson:Thank you very, very much.
Shelly Johnson:I love you both so much.
Kathy Tucaro:Love you too.
Kathy Tucaro:This is terrific.
Stacy Nemour:Oh, 100.
Stacy Nemour:Love you back.
Kathy Tucaro:We hope you've enjoyed this latest episode.
Kathy Tucaro:And if you want to hear more episodes of Women Road warriors or learn more about our show, be sure to check out and please follow us on social media.
Kathy Tucaro:And don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on our website.
Kathy Tucaro:We also have a selection of podcasts just for women.
Kathy Tucaro:They're a series of podcasts from different podcasters.
Kathy Tucaro:So if you're in the mood for women's podcasts, just click the Power network tab on youm'll have a variety of shows to listen to anytime you want to.
Kathy Tucaro:Podcasts Made for Women Women Road warriors is on all the major podcast channels like Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, YouTube and others.
Kathy Tucaro:Check us out and please follow us wherever you listen to podcasts.
Kathy Tucaro:Thanks for listening.
Shelly Johnson:You've been listening to Women Road warriors with Shelly Johnson and Kathy Tacaro.
Shelly Johnson:If you want to be a guest on the show or have a topic or feedback, email